Researching the Rule of Law in the EU from a positive perspective: the case of Portugal

January 1 to September 30, 2023
9 months

This project assesses the sources of Rule of Law resilience in Portugal by examining the most prominent resilience factors. It also identifies potential best practices to strengthen the Rule of Law resilience.
This research is a contribution to the research project “RESILIO - Resilience Observatory on the Rule of Law in Europe”, developed by the Institut für Europäische Politik (IEP), Germany, and leaded by Maria Skora. RESILIO applies a model to serve as an analytical tool for each of the EU members states - the task is to look at a specific country situation through its lens and indicate the most relevant resilience factor in each of three dimensions: systemic, subsidiary and contextual. The analysis should be fact-based, draw from empirical examples found in each country, as for Portugal, and focus on strengthening the Rule of Law (sources of resilience).

rule of law, resilience, Portugal
Funding Entity