Monitorization and evaluation of the electronic case assignment in the judicial and administrative and fiscal courts, in accordance with Article 7 of Ordinance No. 86/2023, dated March 27th

10 months

Laws No. 55/2021 of August 13 and No. 56/2021 of August 16 introduced new mechanisms for monitoring the electronic case assignment in administrative and fiscal jurisdictions, delegating their regulation to the government. In compliance with the provisions of these laws, Regulation No. 86/2023 of March 27 amended the rules related to the electronic case assignment in judicial and administrative and fiscal courts at all levels. This project aims to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the legal changes regarding the rules for electronic case assignment, considering both the reform's objectives and its impacts on the day-to-day operation and performance of different courts, identifying any constraints, best practices, opportunities for improvement, or alternative solutions.

distribution of cases, judicial courts, administrative and fiscal courts
Funding Entity